广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州品茶网 Liu Han’s song is full of hesitation. Although she said that she would try to protect Li Xuandao and others, Li Xuandao’s nonsense about her father’s life still made her feel a little unhappy.

Liu Han’s song is full of hesitation. Although she said that she would try to protect Li Xuandao and others, Li Xuandao’s nonsense about her father’s life still made her feel a little unhappy.

However, Li Xuandao looked motionless and his brow was not surprised. He coldly looked at Lu Xinghe and revealed a sneer at his mouth. "Why, Lu Xinghe, are you afraid that others will not know that you are a poison murderer?"
When this statement came out, everyone was surprised.
Lu Xinghe was even more surprised and angry. He narrowed his eyes and said, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, do you believe I cut your tongue?"
Li Xuandao said, "I told you about the murderer’s hall, but you always tried to kill me. You’re not telling everyone that uncle poison is you." If I die, people will be able to expose your identity, right? "
"Hu said!"
Xing-he Lu flew into a rage. He waved his big hand and the cold and dark breath suddenly bloomed. A black handprint suddenly appeared in front of Li Xuandao like a broken virtual, and he was severely attacked and killed.
The sharp strong breeze stirred Li Xuandao’s brow to float in the sky, but he looked as if the mountain roots didn’t want to resist.
"Stop it!"
At this time, a violent explosion sounded a black handprint one inch away from Li Xuandao and was firmly held by a generous palm.
"Eldest brother, what do you mean?"
A burly young man suddenly appeared in front of Li Xuandao and crushed the black handprint. Soon he frowned. "What this little brother said is true or not, but he is willing to heal my father with good intentions. It is our guest. How can you be so polite to the guest? Aren’t you afraid of going out and being laughed at? "
Lu Xinghe’s eyes flashed a trace of fear and said coldly, "How can Lu Jue insult my reputation lightly?"
Lu Jue is the second Lu Tianba. He has a high talent and is the most powerful practitioner of many women. Lu Tianba attaches great importance to him, but he is bent on pursuing martial arts and worldly affairs and traveled around the world in his early years.
After learning that his father was dying, he came all the way to be heartbroken.
"Big Brother, is your fame important or your father’s life important?"
Honest and frank, Lu Jue’s personality, spoke with no mercy. "It won’t really be said by this public that you are the poisonous person who wants to kill people, and your identity has been uncovered, right?"
"Lu is absolutely cautious!"
Xing-he lu eyes fierce shrink coldly drink a way "father took me as heavy as a mountain, how can I poison my father? Why don’t you trust an outsider rather than your big brother? "
"Ha ha, I now believe that my father and others don’t trust anyone!"
Lu Jue scowled and sneered, "Since you’re not a poisonous person, your wonderful doctors don’t fart, so why don’t you try and say that there’s no way to help your father detoxify?"
"It doesn’t hurt to let him try."
"Anyway, what can we do if we let him try?"
"It’s better to die anyway and do nothing if someone tries."
Lu Tianba and his girls have also echoed them. They are dead horses and live horses, holding a try attitude and letting Li Xuandao make moves.
Seeing that it’s hard to violate the will of the people, Liu Xinghe’s eyes flashed a trace of gloom and he could temporarily compromise. "Since everyone said so, it’s okay to let this little try."
Lu Jue turned to lower his posture and said, "I wonder if you can help my father detoxify?"
Li Xuandao thoughtfully for a long time, saying, "Burning dragon poison is highly toxic, but people can detoxify unless they are naturally restrained by ice phoenix or white dragon …"
Listening to the first half of the sentence, Lu Jue’s face was lost, but when he heard that, he couldn’t help but be shocked. "But what?"
"But there’s another way I’m fifty percent sure I can help uncle detoxify." Li Xuandao vomitted a sigh and looked cold.
"Please make a public shot!"
Lu Jue’s face was ecstatic and he quickly knelt down and said sincerely, "You don’t have to worry about me. Lu Jue guarantees that whether you can help my father detoxify or not, I will guarantee that you will not be infringed!"
Chapter 74 Bilong’s Blood Against Poison!
Chapter 74 Bilong’s Blood Against Poison!
Lu Jueyin just fell to Xing-he Lu and suddenly shouted, "You said to protect him, so did we just make a bet that it was all fart?" If he can’t cure his father, do you really let him go like this? "
"Don’t worry"
Li Xuandao stretched out his hand and stopped to refute Lu absolutely coldly. "I Li Xuandao kept my word. If I help my uncle detoxify, I will personally cut my head and give it to you!"
Li Xuandao!’
Lu Han’s songs and Lu Jue were frightened to disgrace and exported to dissuade them.
But Liu Xinghe root didn’t give Li Xuandao a chance to go back on our word. "Good Li Xuandao is a Han, so I’ll wait here to see you cut your head off and send me."
"Then you wait." Li Xuandao smiled coldly. He never talks nonsense or does anything he is not sure about.
He said it was modest to be 50% sure, but if you are really 50% sure, it is all wet.
Li Xuandao Liu Hange and Lu Jue accompanied him to Lu Tianba, and soon he broke off Lu Tianba’s mouth and squeezed a drop of green blood into each other’s mouth.
Bilong attacks poison with blood!
Li Xuandao Bilong blood is almost the most important thing in the world to eliminate burning dragon poison. It is easy to finish it.
But the only thing that needs attention is that the strength of Bilong blood must not spread to Lu Tianba’s body, otherwise a trace of Bilong blood can make Lu Tianba die immediately.
Li Xuandao is a small man who manipulates blood like an arm.
He manipulated the blood of Bilong to flow into Liu Tianba’s body, poor and black, as if provoked, instantly condensed into a black dragon, running with its teeth bared.

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