广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州98场推荐 It is still unknown whether he will follow Du Jie, be good in nature or turn evil dragons into evil ones.

It is still unknown whether he will follow Du Jie, be good in nature or turn evil dragons into evil ones.

"When the Buddha glowered, good and evil were not too rigid for you and me."
I didn’t refute my brother’s story again. Black often threw out his shackles with a look on his face and then arrested it from Ma Zheng’s body, leaving only a wisp of soul.
"karma is easy to break, and good and evil are difficult to distinguish."
"Ma Zheng, it’s your time!"
"Laozhang, have they left?"
Through the crack of the door in Yizhuang, Zhang Sheng carefully watched Peiwende’s former position and asked the watchman who sat behind him.
"Don’t students smell’ no words, Machamp is in chaos’?"
Gently knock on a bamboo stick black watchman eyes tight shut whispering way
"People, people, ghosts, ghosts, and roads do not interfere with each other."
Hear the bellman say so, Zhang ying immediately turned supercilious look didn’t good the spirit retorted.
"I was born a mortal and I haven’t reached the realm of saints."
Speaking of this unfamiliar sound, there was a slight pause before continuing to speak slowly
"I didn’t even reach the level of the teenager just now, and I was still a mediocre person who was struggling for fame and fortune."
He doesn’t hide his wry smile for ten years, and it’s impossible for him to be as free and easy as a saint whether it’s his own efforts or his family’s expectations.
"But Laozhang, you don’t look like an ordinary watchman in any way?"
This is Zhang Sheng’s observation for several days before he came to the conclusion.
After all, the average watchman can’t live in Yizhuang, and it’s even more impossible for those felons and death row inmates to get tattooed and put to death
"Dreadwind lone star, a lonely old man is only a little bit of a bitch."
Can’t help but stop his own hands. The watchman gave Zhang Ying a squint and continued to say that there is no tone ups and downs
"I suggest you don’t continue to live in Yizhuang tonight."
"The yin qi is too heavy here, and those who are not relieved by Shaqi can’t stand it …"
Chapter VII Fighting tigers
I don’t know what happened after I left. Pei Wende really entered the scope of Xinkang Town after crossing over to Ma Zheng.
Far more prosperous and lively than those villages at the foot of Weishan, the crowd kept going in and out around the north and south markets, shouting loudly.
It seems that the whole era has condensed this small market by carrying the burden, pushing the cart, bargaining and quarreling.
If we follow the habit, Pei Wende will definitely seize the opportunity to make a big purchase and prepare for the temple to receive food and food for half a month.
After all, things that are in a hurry will always be cheaper than usual, and there will be extra discounts for wholesale at one time, which is the same in any era.
But this time Pei Wende did not go directly to the city, but turned and came to the blacksmith shop in Xinkang Town.
The only place in the whole town where iron can be struck, this blacksmith shop is much larger in scale and business than the street stalls outside.
As soon as he entered the store, Pei Wende saw that two or three unified apprentices were in full swing.
Or take the previous order to the customer or modify the production according to the buyer’s opinion …
If you look at the scene alone, this blacksmith shop is not like a blacksmith shop in this era, but a bit like an integrated shop in later generations.
At first glance, I saw Pei Wende coming from the door. While he was busy, an apprentice suddenly let go of his handiwork and greeted him with excitement.
"Hello, dog egg!"
Regardless of the sudden black face of the opposite apprentice, Pei Wende smiled and said hello to each other.
"Stop calling me a dog egg. My name is Changfeng Gu now."
Nowadays, due to the high mortality rate of children, parents often choose a better "base name" to support them when they are young.
Dog egg, two dog and dog names are the "base names" of boys who are popular in villages and towns.
"Long winds and waves rise, and it is like a lonely mu of Lishan."
"This is a very moral name, Gu Bo. Take this name and at least give Mr. Two pounds of meat?"
Smell speech Changfeng Gu nai nodded his head and gave his future a lot of gifts to Mr. Xue.
Nai himself is really not a reading school. After finishing his preliminary studies, he chose to drop out of school and take over his own small blacksmith shop.
"You know what’s going on here. Now I hope our family can make a little progress and come back to honor our ancestors when the time comes."
To say why Pei Wende is so familiar with the blacksmith’s shop is naturally because he has also been to a private school for enlightenment study.
The truth that you can’t be poor in education is not only that Pei Wende himself knows that his half-father, Ling You Zen Master, knows the importance of learning.
I’m afraid Pei Wende won’t even be a monk in the future if he has no knowledge.
"Haha, you are simply lazy!"
"if you were really stupid, you wouldn’t have run the blacksmith shop so brightly in just half a year."
Pei Wende said this is not flattering Changfeng Gu, but a fact.
It is from my own words that I summed up the benefits of assembly line system and unified management.
And after half a year, he improved and expanded his own business, which is not what a stupid person can do.
"Alas, every family has a hard time."

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