广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州98场推荐 Nan Yunqing, after all, has completely understood the boundary and directly asked Xiao, "That floating mountain city is just a United front branch of the boundary god alliance demon world, not a clan."

Nan Yunqing, after all, has completely understood the boundary and directly asked Xiao, "That floating mountain city is just a United front branch of the boundary god alliance demon world, not a clan."

"You mean this time, they actually drew a unit from a corner of the Boundaries to catch you?"
"Are they so confident?"
"If they know that the celestial realm must be suppressed before they can be born, and they also know that I came only after I was injured, they can roughly estimate my strength. If they expected that a small amount of big immortals in a front-line United front division would be enough to deal with me; If they are unexpected, then even if they come to a higher level, they still can’t subdue me. I might as well not come. "
"So the purpose of this United Front Division is both temptation and sincerity to arrest you?"
Although Xiao asked about some contradictions, Nan Yunqing nodded his head when he understood it.
Xiao asked not staggering heart andao a god deterrent is really too big, but still out of curiosity and ask "that you can play how much strength? Is it that no matter who comes, you can’t be caught? "
Nan Yunqing didn’t hide it from Xiao Wen after finishing the letter. "What you see is that I can play out the facts."
Xiao asked without saying a word, because Nan Yunqing can now exert her strength. She knows very well that although it is very high, it is not too high. Doesn’t this mean that the God League will send more powerful people or there is hope to catch her?
What god alliance don’t have to send more powerful people to just the general wei, he can infer that general wei is the strongest in the suspended mountain city, much stronger than those at the head.
"By the way, Miss Nan, what are the two charms of the last person?" After sighing, Xiao asked Suo Xing not to dwell on the strength problem, and decided to go one step at a time as planned, so he asked
"I was just about to ask you …"
Nan Yunqing just got angry with the healing medicine and then asked Xiao about Kan Kan. It turned out that a huge spiritual body was involved.
There is also a Buddhist temple in the celestial realm, which is a typical representative, but limited by the realm of the celestial realm, the Buddhist magical power of the temple is actually nothing.
It was only in the Twelve Immortals that Buddhism was truly carried forward, with scattered branches and leaves, and it became a huge spiritual body.
Buddhists don’t call Daoji Daoji but Linggen. Their Daoji Fairy Method is usually called "so-and-so" and "so-and-so" and "so-and-so". However, whatever they call it, those outstanding Daoji Fairy Faji have one feature: they may enter the country at night in front of them, but they may only make ten steps a year, and the greater their power, the more they will be!
Buddhists pay more attention to cultivating the mind than doors, and they also have an epiphany. They say that the Taoist monks in the spiritual world and the celestial world have a great magical power if they have an epiphany several times.
For example, Xiao Wen once had a fate, and the Maha Coconut Buddha was the best among the Buddhist sects in the spiritual world. In fact, Nan Yunqing may not be his opponent if there is a real fight.
This body is so big that Nan Yunqing can ask Xiao about it for a while, and the two immortals they touched today were refined by the great Buddhist avatar.
This kind of Buddhist fairy symbol is very different from the door fairy symbol. The door is a rune, and the avatar rune is the root, while the Buddha is a rune, and he abruptly puts his avatar into the rune.
This kind of thing can’t be learned by ordinary people, but it can be easily mastered by Buddhist monks. It is said that this is because their long-term practice of Buddhism has already met some special rules in the spiritual world.
Today, among the two runes, it should be the ultra-high realm of Buddha’s cultivation of the gods, but because the two runes have been released for too long, it is not in the spiritual world that the power is greatly reduced, otherwise the two people will be hurt more!
Even if there is a heavy influence, there are still some visions when the fairy charm is played. It is the magic that rings in the sky. If it were not for this sound, Nan Yunqing would still be able to determine the other side’s realm.
At this time, Xiao Wen finally couldn’t help interrupting and asked, "Can’t you really hide?" What if I cast a flashing rainbow? "
"It should be possible to hide from the flashing rainbow in this world, but if it is teleportation in the spiritual world, the avatar will also teleport with the past."
"I …"
Xiao Wen actually wanted to scold, but he still paid great attention to the image when he didn’t scold before Nan Yunqing.
At this time, Nan Yunqing was also slightly sighing that although she has her own magical powers, it does not prevent her from appreciating other magical powers. After all, each has its own merits.
"Then the celestial world must not be dominated by Buddhism?" Xiao asked staggering way
"Monks don’t like fighting. At the beginning, one of the five leaders of Xianmeng was a Buddhist middleman, but if the magical power is concerned, they are really expected to be the first in the spiritual world for a long time."
"Er … what is this?"
"Emperor Xuanyuan ended that era"
"…" Xiao asked after a long silence. "Did he create a new magic method?"
"It was then that Buddhism in the celestial realm became more and more influential, and it was the accession to the Maha Coconut Buddha that left Buddhism."
Xiao asked when he was really shocked again and again. He felt that there were too many stories in the celestial world. I really wanted to know what I had experienced.
At this time, due to the arrival of Nanyunqing in Maha Coconut Buddha, a new topic was raised.
"I have heard of the Maha Coconut Buddha many times. In fact, Buddhism is not limited to the celestial world. His tone seems to be very admired by other Buddhists."

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