广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州98场推荐 There are only a handful of fairy-level treasures in this world, so what if I give him the fairy-ball department?

There are only a handful of fairy-level treasures in this world, so what if I give him the fairy-ball department?

First of all, not all those fairy wares are made of metal.
Secondly, there are many kinds of metal materials of the same order, which happens to be the five metals in his practice. It is very unlikely.
In the end, even if it happens to touch that material, a flying sword material is far from enough for him to rise.
This is still relative to the Du Jie period to the Mahayana period and the Mahayana period to the fairy period. If you need the fairy-level materials, it will be even more hopeless. He is not sure that the ball has a forbidden fairy tower, but the number is definitely much less than the first fairy, which cannot meet his cultivation needs.
It’s hard to get to several big realms in the ninth order of repairing truth. I didn’t expect to face more embarrassing difficulties with the current metal ascension practice.
"Alas … let’s take it one step at a time …"
"It is enough to be able to rise to the early days of Du Jie to deal with those guys."
Bang …
Just when he was thinking in his head, he knew the sea and his body at the same time, and he felt that his soul seemed to be sublimated at that moment.
Yuan Shen, who was entrenched in the sea of knowledge, suddenly rose from two feet to nearly three feet, flashing magnificent five-color brilliance. The surface of the five major organs was polished several times, and the core of the five organs was inflamed. The color became more pure and bright, and the whole body changed significantly from the outside.
Glittering and translucent as jade bone, it circulates muscles, meridians and skin, but the hair is several times stronger than before, which leads to the root increase of strength and speed.
"It really is!"
After 20 years, it finally came to the early stage of the fit, which was also a long-expected thing. It was not too surprising that those new memories unsealed from the depths of the soul made him not know whether to laugh or cry. "The need for the fit period to Du Jie period is almost certain … Oh, my God! Where can I get fairy metal if this great realm breaks through again? "
South seashore of Yanhuang territory
When the mysterious box of heaven and earth was reversed, when the imaginary world of heaven and earth collapsed, when the flying ash of bronze gate was connected with heaven and earth by a sky-high light column.
The light beam has always been in the cold, and the thoughts are like a tide. "Maybe … it is possible to find the metal needed to continue to rise until you go to the real fix-true world? But if everything is settled here, why go there and live a good life in this so-called forgotten fairy world? "
By then, he has the power and these allies are absolutely qualified to win the throne of the ball overlord. There is nothing wrong with being a local tyrant in this world without the strong.
"You don’t want to help me lift the ban, do you?" Ear suddenly came to Ying Long to call.
"No … how could I say that?"
"You think so!"
"I do! Don’t take the blame, old man, okay? How do you know what I am thinking? "
Chen cold suddenly jumped up, but he was muttering to himself, "How can you see through my thoughts when this cargo has been banned even by Yuan Shen? A man becomes a fine dragon when he is old. Does it mean that his expression betrayed him? Alas ….. No matter to the cyclops magic weapon to cobble together the overall fighting capacity to say again first. "
Practice temporarily slowed down a lot before releasing a SHEN WOO seal. He threw himself into the refining device crazily.
There are three kinds of things, namely lingshi, medicinal materials and materials, on the first floor of the Forbidden Fairy and Precious Dragon Tower in Fiona Fang. You can imagine how many materials are in the refining device.
With the development of science of uniting, the speed of the refiner has increased, although it can still refine a magic weapon.
At the same time, the power of the five elements of lingyan has been ten times stronger, and the five elements of Xuan Qi and Yuan Shenli have been rooted up. The extremely spiritual materials he refined have been limited to fairy wares.
Of course, that is, it is stronger than the general polar spirit device, and there is a way to cross the gap than the fairy device at first. It is not so easy to cross the fairy.
In a blink of an eye, four years have passed, and a total of 30,000 sets of magic weapons have been used to make the whole cyclops family armed to the teeth, which can make their comprehensive combat power rise several times, and their comprehensive defense power also rise several times. If they had such strong equipment against the four super powers, they would not have fallen into that field. Only 3,000 people can definitely break through.
Twenty-four years have passed and thousands of miles of the earth’s crust have already undergone earth-shaking changes.
There used to be less than ten miles of Fiona Fang, surrounded by dark and cold rocks, and now it has spread to hundreds of miles of Fiona Fang.
In addition to the huge stone platform where Ying Long is located, it is still cold, and other places are completely covered with various plants. The flowers are full of fragrance and the scenery is pleasant. Although there is no light source in the land, there are many exotic plants flashing with various colors in the Elves to make it no longer dark.
Chen Han has also been to the Elf settlement once since he broke through to the distraction period just over a year ago.
In order to make up for that great favor, I gave them no less than the cultivation resources. After all, although the elves do not need Lingshi to cultivate life magic, some resources are still available.
Jumping from the stone platform and strolling forward, 30 miles away in this direction is the settlement of elves, where more than 20 thousand elves live.
"Here comes the ugly monster!"
"The bad guys are coming!"
I haven’t walked into the camp surrounded by all kinds of plants, which is like a paradise. There have been all kinds of screams.

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