广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州品茶网 Like a death warrant, high-heeled shoes appear around. This is the second step.

Like a death warrant, high-heeled shoes appear around. This is the second step.

It’s different from the step just now, and it should be a different enemy from the feeling.
At this time, people dare not slack off. After all, the opposite situation was just before them.
Throat cutting without medical treatment is a desperate way to die.
"Everybody back to back or back to the wall"
With Wang Shu’s command, these people responded immediately, standing back to back in groups of four, so as not to give the enemy a chance to find his back in the shadows.
If it’s not enough for four people, then lean against the wall
Some people hold the barrel gun while others hold the blade.
Although they have different weapons, they have the same thing, that is, they are all nervous.
The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and Wang Shu’s spirit and will are already high. He clenched his broken knife in his hand and leaned forward slightly to make a lunge posture.
Qiang Qiang!
In the night, the knife light flashed through Wang Shushuang’s eyes, and he finally saw the enemy.
A man with a black veil and a face towel …? Look at the figure. Maybe a woman? Maybe not people.
Just a brief collision, the other person’s figure disappeared into the air
Although there is no way to confirm each other’s samples, Wang Shu and the other party saw something in their hands when they were fighting.
Clearly visible scales, which seem to absorb ambient light.
This creature can be invisible by light. I wonder if it is because of these scales.
Wang Shugang just stepped back and a mercenary against the wall was directly wiped his throat.
"Xiaodong!" Wang Jing exclaimed that before she wanted to see Wang Shu, she immediately rushed over and stopped Wang Jing with a broken knife in her hand.
The broken knife and dagger sparked a spark in the dark.
Wang Jing was pushed aside by Wang Shu, who looked at each other again when the broken knife collided with the dagger.
This time, he clearly saw the right side.
Gray eyes, pointed nose, bluish gray skin are not like normal human beings.
Wang Shu doesn’t know if the other person is weird, but he always feels that it’s not that simple in this human form, the night assassin.
Wang Shu stretched out his left hand after a brief encounter between the two sides
The branches of light and gold stretch out and want to wrap around the body of the night assassin
However, the other party’s skill was unusually clever, and the dagger cut off the golden branches extended by Wang Shu and then fell back.
Wang Shugang tried to chase, but his footsteps suddenly stopped.
In this case, if you chase him out rashly, there is a great chance that others will be cut by these night assassins.
"Dr. Reeves, do you need to go back?"
Levi’s shook his head
"Going back now may not be safer with you."
Wang Shu doesn’t talk nonsense. In the face of such strange ability, it’s really uncomfortable to be alone, and I don’t know where the workshop owner Yi Xiaoya went at this time.
The night assassin didn’t appear again, but Wang Shu and others didn’t let their guard down.
The best choice for real eyes is to call everyone nearby.
It is the most reasonable to allocate terrain defense.
But that’s the ideal state. Mercenaries can’t trust each other. No one can afford backstab.
At the same time, uniform shelling appeared at the far end, which should be the action of the Yugoslav capital guards
But it’s not 12 o’clock yet.

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