广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州夜网 No matter what, the physical feeling can’t be fake.

No matter what, the physical feeling can’t be fake.

But she still adamant4 geological asked "that me … and why are you wearing a pair of shorts? Don’t you know that this is very easy to misunderstand? "
"That’s what you touched and scratched yourself, and I didn’t wear clothes because of you!"
"Me?" "What’s wrong with me?" Ya Ya asked inexplicably and guiltily.
"You spit all over me! You tell me how to wear it? " Fang Siyi grumpily took a white look at Ya Ya mercilessly back to the way
"I … I spit on you … er-"Follow Fang Siyi’s hand and expect to see Fang Siyi’s underwear with a strange smell in a corner.
I was so excited that I consciously ignored the strange smell in the room.
"But … but why don’t you take me home?"
"I don’t know where your home is. Is this the first time we met?"
"But … but why don’t you just go?"
"You and I don’t want to?" This Fang Siyi was annoyed. "Who thought your wine was so bad! Drunk, not only kicking around, but also directly pulling me to jump two tigers! What makes people even more speechless is that you are still bumping around things and saying that you have learned to wear a wall. Look at you! "
Seeing a mess is like a pigsty …
It’s just a pigsty. Fang Siyi really feels a headache
How to clean this up!
Fang Siyi said every word, the lower her head was, and in the end, she couldn’t wait to find a hole to drill in.
Yaya realized that all this turned out to be self-inflicted!
The injury is because I hit the wall at random.
Clothes are torn and scratched by myself.
The house is because of yourself, Jay
"It’s hard for you to stop for a while. As a result, you directly threw up all over me. Can you tell me how to get there?" Fang Siyi grumpily continued to mend the knife.
Fang Si’s clothes are also his own!
Yaya completely collapsed.
Covering her cheeks, she was ashamed to see him.
Fang Siyi swallowed hard while Ya Ya did not pay attention.
Just now, after all that tossing, Ya Ya’s body was a big drain, and the spring cloth dress showed many beautiful scenery.
The original ya ya belongs to that type with a very good figure, plus dancing all the year round. Although her height is not outstanding, her figure ratio is excellent.
Neither as surging as Yang Mi nor as flat as Yingbao, just the right size not only attracts attention, but also makes Fang Siyi’s reaction more intense.
However, when Fang Siyi saw the scenery somewhere …
Fang Siyi’s eyes suddenly felt more stimulated!
Chapter 194 A smile caused a bloody case (6)
I can’t be sorry for Yingbao!
Fang Siyi forced the ripples in my heart to look away and dare not look at Ya Ya.
Have a look? She didn’t find out.
Another sound in my heart secretly rings.
Unconsciously, spring scenery just flashed in my eyes.
Fang Siyi’s heartbeat is not fast for a few minutes, and he still feels thirsty.
Consciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva followed by Fang Siyi to a pair of eyes full of shame.
Slightly Zheng, the charming scenery in the original mind quickly dissipated Fang Siyi hurriedly turned over from Ya Ya.
Ya ya directly grabbed Fang Siyi waist blanket and wrapped herself up.
Fang Siyi didn’t open his mouth to complain. He picked up the pillow next to him guiltily and covered his waist with embarrassment.
It is obvious that Fang Siyi’s reaction is more intense because he has just targeted the spring scenery.

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