广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 蒲友网 Shun Tao came to the newly built water cave on the river bank near Kuzhu Temple. Because of the forbidden surface of Dianxian, I couldn’t hear how loud it was. I wanted to see the details, but I didn’t see it, but people could see and hear the enemy’s movements.

Shun Tao came to the newly built water cave on the river bank near Kuzhu Temple. Because of the forbidden surface of Dianxian, I couldn’t hear how loud it was. I wanted to see the details, but I didn’t see it, but people could see and hear the enemy’s movements.

It’s already close to Shuiyan. Zheng Dianxian and Song Changgeng have been waiting here. After Song Changgeng sent the couple to his brother, the existing Xu Feiniang returned to Shuiyan without her guidance.
While Hugh and his wife took two younger brothers and little girls to arrange another arrangement. After Song Chang-geng joined Zheng Dianxian, they waited here and talked about the details of the action and tried to be complete.
Such as the Yuanjiang treasure to three spider grain land method ship after everyone came to Zheng Dianxian see Song Changgeng in look at the three method ship, she also know that the three method ship shape ugly some explained.
"This ship is made of the whole big wood. When it was first made, I thought it would be wonderful if I could find the lightning strike wood. If I couldn’t find the giant wood with a thousand years’ diameter, I could do it.
It is not difficult to find so many big trees in the deep mountains and forests, but the boat-making place must be hidden and close to the water, otherwise it will be a big fear of attracting the attention of the demon.
Fortunately, my brother Xin Qing remembered that the three big trees in Sanliuping were also hacked by thunder and fire, and the land was connected with rivers. It would be a ghost to make a waterway there.
It is especially wonderful that the trunk in the middle of the tall tree is not very curved and the quality is very solid. It is inevitable that the old belly of the willow tree will be burned by thunder and fire.
I thought about it carefully. Once it is processed, it will be a natural boat shape. Although it is like a canoe by a mountain man, the whole wooden paddle is huge in shape, but the style is stupid but it is more suitable. It is ugly in appearance but has great functions. It can put a lot of grains and seven poisonous fruits. "
When everyone arrived, they were busy for a while. Song Changgeng saw an opportunity to take Qin Ziling aside and said something to her, implicitly pointing out her inappropriate words and asking her not to be angry with Shuangying.
When they were talking, they heard the pagan Yin Lei exploding in the distance from the water hole and moving in the direction of the water hole continuously. Song Changgeng, Zheng Dianxian, Yu Qing and others looked at each other and quickly flew out.
Zheng Dianxian doesn’t trust the water eye to dive directly into the water, and Song Chang Gung and Yu Qing also don’t trust to quietly disappear and fly to the sound place to see who it is.
It was only after flying in that it turned out that two people were fighting each other. One of them was a dark and short man, and the other was a beautiful woman in white with exquisite curves but cold face.
The short, ugly black man is flying in the sky, and he is obviously afraid of the cold, white woman while beating around in the direction of far and near women.
This magic thunder is the most common and basic thunder method, just like the orthodox Taiyi thunder, but each family has its own characteristics, although it is similar, but each has its own wonderful.
Song Chang-geng will also make this thunder, but he thinks there is nothing that has not been made, but this short, ugly man, Yin Lei, is obviously different, not only more powerful, but also seems a little strange.
And the cold woman in white is even more eccentric. Now every move of Song Chang Gung is cold. Two colorful lights are flashing and dancing, and Master Jade Qing is beside her. "Ice spirit cold light sword! How is it possible? "
Volume 22 Raiders of the Lost Ark Chapter 214 Bullying the weak and fearing the strong
I went out for two days because of something, but I didn’t update it. I went to the mountains and didn’t take notes. Please forgive me. Now I really regret not reading well, and it’s really tiring to run as a result. By the way, it’s so sad that everyone gave me two tickets.
"Ice spirit cold light sword? What is it? Do you know? " Song Chang-geng asked strangely when he heard Master Yu Qing’s words. Although he also thought that the white cold woman’s two colorful lights were strange, it wasn’t a sword, was it?
Turned to see his one eye, jade qing master note war said "you don’t know? That woman should be Ye Bin from Admiralty Island, South Antarctica. She said that her magic formula is strange and can absorb the aurora magnetism and the cold of ice and snow.
Those two colorful rays should be her unique method to refine the sword. The cold light sword is a kind of similar innate sword, which is powerful and strange.
Because the aurora element magnetic force is mixed in the manufacturing process, it has a strong resistance to the hardware attributes of the flying sword magic weapon. That’s the case with the black short magic weapon and the flying sword blindly resisting thunder and lightning.
Moreover, the sword is still ten thousand years old, and the elite of ice and snow almost can’t resist the cold attack. At the same time, the shape of the sword is also very strange, and it can be easily recovered. It is very good.
I heard that she has been living in Admiralty Island, Little Antarctica. Why did she come here? I think you should know that "Master Jade Qing explained the origin of the ice spirit cold light sword while frowning lightly."
Just as they were talking, the little black man’s hand shot straight into the Yuanjiang river, flashing and extinguishing, and the water didn’t leap as if it were something.
Two people are surprised to hear a rumbling sound from the bottom of Yuanjiang River, and the ten thousand hectares of river water is washed up by a violent explosion at the bottom of the river. This section of more than three miles of river water is blown into the sky as if a long belt had been cut off from it.
The two colorful lights of Ye Bin in Admiralty Island, Antarctica, seem to turn into two rainbow after the sky, and the goal is still that the short black man is about 100 meters apart.
The little black man’s face showed panic and nai’s look, and he let out a few overcast thunder to resist. After the two colorful lights passed through the bombed heaven and earth river, they suddenly shot out two red lights, Zhu Mang reflecting the strange light of the sun and shining on the long day.
Instead of catching up with the little black boy, he shot away from both sides much faster than the flash. It was only a moment before the front end had merged into a shuttle aperture to block the little black boy’s way and surround him.
However, the river was turned into a huge piece of ice by the cold force of her flying sword. Although it was suspended in the middle for a moment, it collapsed and broke into several small pieces because of the unbearable gravity, and the river washed away and filled the fried day. The scene of the river roaring and roaring was deafening, but it was sighing.
Ye Bin, from Admiralty Island, Antarctica, stepped on a piece of ice floe with a cool look, and there was a flash of white jade in her eyes.
This little nigger boy is not kind enough to see that he is going to be locked up, and his body will flash with three clouds of black fog, and then three little nigger boys will appear exactly like him. Obviously, it is necessary to fight for the last time.
In the past, Master Yu Qing heard from Master that Ye Bin had lived in seclusion in Xiaonan Pole for more than 300 years. The flying sword she made was different because it was condensed by the elites of Xuan Bing at the two poles. It can turn hundreds of billions of wonderful things into poverty, and it is also mixed with the aurora element. The magnetic force is very powerful.
This person is one of the most independent female immortals in all factions. Although she is tens of thousands of miles away, I wonder if she came here to pursue this demon from overseas? Because of what happened just now, I didn’t want to see this demon turn into three identical villains, and I suddenly wanted to come to this little black man alone. Kung Fu is his unique tactic.
On her second thought, not far from the front side, the shuttle-shaped square aperture has surrounded the little black boy, and the little black boy wants to turn into four hiding places.
However, it was only when the red light in the future was closed that the aperture immediately exploded, and the strange light of Zhu Mang rained down on the sky, and the same was true from fine to coarse.
Before he could react, he formed a shuttle-shaped lattice light cage. The little black boy was trapped in a long whistle. First, he flew out of the body and saw hundreds of black gas. From a distance, he generally propped up the red light around him to prevent the shuttle-shaped lattice light cage from shrinking from big to small, and temporarily propped up one by himself.
Followed by his three incarnations, each of them returned his hand with a clap, and the three blue flames went straight to the red light. At that time, the red and blue brilliance set each other off and sparkled, which was very beautiful.

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